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Why High Achievers Seem to Get Much More Done

What Oprah and DiCaprio have in common...


Have you ever wondered why so many high achievers seem to get much more done than “everyone else?”


I don’t just mean Oprah and DiCaprio, but successful people in all industries over the course of their lives:


Serena Williams - Athlete
Brene Brown - Researcher
Meryl Streep - Actress
Deepak Chopra - Author
Denzel Washington - Actor
Sheila C. Johnson - Entrepreneur


What’s their secret to success?


They face the same (and sometimes more) struggles as everyone else, but how do they quickly overcome them and rise to the top?


The secret is…they constantly reinvest in support and frameworks...


which help them nail and scale their personal and professional aspirations!


This is the hallmark of any great leader - continuous education and self-development.



They seek out people who have already achieved the results they’re looking for to...

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3 Ways to Stay Hopeful During Tough Times

Life isn’t always the way we want it to be.


All we have to do is to glance at the headlines to see that we live in very uncertain times. The job we thought was safe might not be there tomorrow. There seems to be a disruption or natural disaster somewhere. And, there are people who choose to be more callous than kind.


It’s easy to get caught up in a negative spiral of doubt and anxiety.


How do you stay hopeful and positive, when you see negative messages and fear all around you?


Here are 3 ways to stay hopeful during tough times:


Be here now

By focusing on the present, you will find it easier to take a step back and act as an observer. By practicing mindfulness, you can enjoy the simple things in life, no matter how bad things may seem. Worries and fears of the unknown can dissipate if you focus on the present.  Look for things in your life for which you're grateful.


Look for ways to show compassion

Spreading hope...

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People helping people (witnessing compassion, kindness and consideration)

Over the past week, I have witnessed compassion, kindness and consideration during this public health crisis (COVID-19).

People are helping people navigate their thoughts, feelings, circumstances and behaviors as we're collectively letting go of "what used to be" and "being with...what is happening now."

I've been in conversations with global and industry leaders who have been taking bold actions to create resources, hotlines, prayer groups, and tools to support our communities.

I'm here to help.

If you have services you'd like to share or know someone who wants to share how they help (this includes mental and physical health, spirituality, education, financial, relationship/family and any other areas I missed), then, email [email protected] and I'll connect with you.  

Sometimes, one post, message, email or conversation can change someone's life or support and sustain someone's business.

Regardless of our circumstances, we are in this together....

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